Dr Klaus Neugebauer

Dr Klaus Neugebauer has been the deputy chairman of the Martin Heidegger Society since 2015.
Neugebauer was born on 31 March 1951 in Mönchengladbach-Rheydt.
From 1970 to 1976 he studied German studies and philosophy at the Universities of Cologne (with Prof K-H. Volkmann-Schluck, Prof Hans-Dietrich Irmscher, Prof Karl Otto Conrady, Prof Hans Bumke) and Freiburg (with Prof F.-W. von Herrmann)
In 1976 Neugebauer took his first state examination at the University of Freiburg i.B.
In 1980 he received his PhD with a thesis on “Self-projection and Calamity. A Contribution to Adalbert Stifter’s Understanding of Fate and History.” (“Selbstentwurf und Verhängnis. Ein Beitrag zu Adalbert Stifters Verständnis von Schicksal und Geschichte“). His supervisor was Prof Dr Hubert Ohl, University of Münster.
In 1982 Neugebauer founded the company “Die Afö GmbH, Agentur für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit” (Agency for Public Relations) in Stuttgart, which he ran for 27 years as an executive partner.
In 1999 he founded the record label “Venus Music” which specialises in classical music.
In 2010 Neugebauer published the book “Wahrsein als Identifizierung. Einführung in die kritische Rezeption Husserls durch Heidegger,” Duncker & Humblot, Berlin.
Since 2010 Neugebauer has also been a teaching fellow at the Universities of Dresden, Cologne, Stuttgart and the PH Ludwigsburg.
In 2012 he published “Pablo Picasso. Spiele des Gegenständlichen,” Wilhelm Fink Verlag, Paderborn.