Year Books of the Martin Heidegger Society

Our strictly limited year books are exclusive to our members and are published only once in private print. Legal persons or institutions which are not members of the Heidegger Society are excluded from purchasing our year books. The copyright of the printed texts remains with the author(s) or their legal successors.

Year Title
2019/2020 Notes on Parmenides
Edited by Harald Seubert and Klaus Neugebauer
2017/2018 On Pain
Edited by Dietmar Koch and Klaus Neugebauer
2015/2016 The way-field (Wegfeld) of thinking
Edited by Dietmar Koch and Klaus Neugebauer
2013/2014 The Argument against Custom (in favour of the Being-in-itself of Beings)
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
2011/2012 Excerpts on Phenomenology from the Manuscript “Legacy of the Question of Being”
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
2010 Martin Heidegger: »The Humble«
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
2009 Martin Heidegger: »The Unique«
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
2008 Martin Heidegger: »A Dangerous Errancy«
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
2007 Martin Heidegger: »Turn?« »Saying the Turn«
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
2005/2006 Martin Heidegger: Selected Letters to Hans-Georg Gadamer
(Facsimile and reprint)
2004 Martin Heidegger: On E. Mörike’s Poems »September Morning« and »At Midnight«
Unpublished talk, Pedagogic Academy II., Freiburg 12 July 1955 (Facsimile and reprint)
2003 Martin Heidegger: Selected Letters from Martin Heidegger to Heinrich Wiegand Petzet (1931-1971)
(Facsimile and reprint)
2002 Hans-Georg Gadamer: Selected Letters to Martin Heidegger (1944 – 1976)
(Facsimile and reprint)
2001 Martin Heidegger: A Letter to Friedrich Georg Jünger (19 August 1953)
(Facsimile and reprint)
2000 Martin Heidegger: Return and Turn
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
1999 Hans-Georg Gadamer: Six Letters to Martin Heidegger from the Marburg Era
Including the facsimile of the letter from 17 April 1929 (In honour of the 100th birthday of H.-G. Gadamer,11 February 2000)
1998 Martin Heidegger: A Letter to Ernst Jünger (18 December 1950)
(Facsimile and reprint)
1997 Martin Heidegger: The Origin of Divinity
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
1996 Hans Kock: Remembering Martin Heidegger
Talk held 25 May 1996 in Meßkirch before the Martin Heidegger Society
1995 Martin Heidegger: »Existentialism«
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
1994 Martin Heidegger: Contemplating our Essence (1943/44)
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
1993 Martin Heidegger: Memory in the Event (Enowning). The Essence of the Human Being
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
1992 Martin Heidegger: Poverty (1943/44)
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
1991 Martin Heidegger: Cézanne
From the series “Thoughts” for René Char. L’Herne 1971. Later edition 1974 (facsimile and reprint)
1990 Understanding and Occurring
Welcoming speech and five talks held 15 June 1990 at the symposium in honour of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s 90th birthday at the Old Aula Magna at the University of Heidelberg.
1989 Martin Heidegger: Modern Natural Sciences and Modern Technology
Welcoming Speech for participants of the 10th Colloquium, 14 – 16 May 1976 in Chicago (facsimile and reprint)
1988 Thinking and Poetising with Martin Heidegger
Five talks held 26 – 27 September 1987 at the second conference of the Martin Heidegger Society in Meßkirch
1987 Martin Heidegger: The Essence of Philosophy (Philosophy and Poetry)
Unpublished manuscript from the Nachlass (facsimile and reprint)
1986 Hans-Georg Gadamer: The Singular Path of Martin Heidegger
Talk held 25 May 1986 in Meßkirch at the Martin Heidegger Society
François Fédier: Commemorative words in honour of Martin Heidegger’s centenary of (26 May 1986)