Annual Conference 2017: Ninety Years »Being and Time«

Fundamental Ontology and the Question of the Meaning of Being
29 September until 1 October 2017
Castle Meßkirch
You can find PDFs of the conference programme and flyer on the right sidebar.
“For manifestly you have long been aware of what you mean when you use the expression “being.” We, however, who used to think we understood it, have now become perplexed.” (Plato, Sophists 244a, quoted by Heidegger in the prelude to “Being and Time”; Stambaugh translation)
Conference Programme
Friday, 29 September
18.00–18.45 | Harald Seubert (Basel, Munich) Inaugural address: “Being and Time” in Light of Heidegger’s Thinking Path |
19.00–20.00 | Evening lecture Norbert Bolz (Berlin) Unabated Fascination |
Chair: Harald Seubert | |
Followed by reception and talks | |
Arnulf Heidegger (Singen) Report on the progress of the publication of the Gesamtausgabe |
Saturday, 30 September
9.00–10.00 | Ingeborg Schüßler (Lausanne) The Clearing of Being out of Time: On Heidegger’s Basic Principle and its Transformations |
10.15–11.15 | Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer (Leipzig) Angst and Care: Existential-logical Presuppositions of Personal Being |
11.30–12.30 | Paola-Ludovica Coriando (Innsbruck) Da-sein as Attunement: From “Being and Time” toward Onto-historical Thinking |
Chair: Harald Seubert | |
Break | |
Section 1 Chair Paola-Ludovica Coriando |
14.30–15.30 | Niels Weidmann (Tübingen) Heidegger’s Ontological Turn of Phenomenology: Notes regarding the Relation between Meaning and Being |
15.30–16.30 | Igor Mikecin (Zagreb) The Historicity of Dasein and the Task of a Historical Destruction of the History of Philosophy |
17.00–18.00 | Dietmar Koch (Tübingen) From Disclosedness in “Being and Time” to the Clearing of Self-Concealment in the Thinking of the Event (Enowning) |
Section 2 Chair Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer |
14.30–15.30 | Helmut Mai (Mainz) Heidegger on Proofs of God’s Existence |
15.30–16.30 | Klaus Neugebauer (Stuttgart) The Question of Being-True between Dasein and Consciousness |
17.00–18.00 | Reinhard Knodt (Berlin, Erlangen) Correspondence as Being-With |
Section 3 Chair Harald Seubert |
14.30–15.30 | Reinhard Mehring (Heidelberg) On Heidegger’s Publication Policy until 1936 and on the title “Being and Time” |
15.30–16.30 | Alina Noveanu (Klausenburg/Cluj) “Being and Time” and the “Zollikon Seminars” |
17.00–18.00 | Günther Neumann (München) Heidegger’s Concept of Freedom in “Being and Time” with regard to Recent Discourses in the Neurosciences and Jurisprudence |
19.30 | Evening Lecture Rainer Enskat (Halle) Heidegger’s Path to the Answer of the Question of Being |
Sunday, 1 October
9.00–9.30 | Francesco Alfieri Pontificia Universitas Lateranensis (Vatican City) Only Who Thinks Can Defy the Dictatorship of Chatter: On the Current Importance of “Being and Time” |
9.30–10.30 | Cai Werntgen (Karlsruhe) On the Figure of “Possible Being-Whole” and the Analysis of Death in §§ 46/53 “Being and Time” |
11.00–12.30 | Final Talk Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann (Freiburg/Br.) “Being and Time” in Light of Heidegger’s “Continual Notes” |
14.30–15.30 | Members’ Meeting |